The story of Abdul Latif Jameel begins 75 years ago when the small trading business was based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In 1945, the company was appointed as the first distributor of Toyota vehicles in the country and today, some 75 years later, this strong relationship with Toyota Motor Corporation still stands.
With this solid foundation, Abdul Latif Jameel began exploring new markets, territories and business opportunities, and today has a presence in 30 countries, across five continents, with operations in seven major industry sectors, including Land and Real Estate.
While the initial focus was on developing and delivering our own corporate real estate projects and to support business growth and expansion, its experience in successfully developing and delivering corporate real estate projects that supported business growth and expansion led to the official formation of Abdul Latif Jameel Properties, which formally stepped into Saudi Arabia’s real estate market in 2013.
To create residential and commercial properties that surpass the needs of our clients based on innovation and creative design with the overall aim of adding considerable value, comfort, lifestyle and quality of living.
To be the foremost trusted leading developer in Saudi Arabia that strives for sustainable and innovative quality of living.
Enriching the lives of the people we are engaged with through collaboration, care, integrity and trust.
Today, Abdul Latif Jameel Properties manages a property portfolio consisting of hundreds of buildings, including corporate offices, car showrooms, workshops, training facilities, and operational centers across the Kingdom. Over the forthcoming years, we will add further projects to our portfolio. These will range from the refurbishment and construction of our own buildings and premises to participation in ambitious national projects and the development of a new class of high-quality, contemporary and affordable middle-income housing.
As one of the leading land and real estate developers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we are studying the growing need for residential real estate projects and commercial projects, such as offices, markets, medical centers, and hotels throughout the Kingdom, and we look forward to cooperation and partnerships with entities with expertise in these areas. For more inquire regarding this matter please contact us as 920014150
We aim to be the leader developer of high-quality real estate in Saudi Arabia. We achieve this, as our development strategy not only focuses on developing land from our company portfolio, but also on partnerships with semi-government entities, real estate funds, and landlords.
We are committed to providing a better lifestyle for the communities that we build, after completing projects within the agreed time and securing the needed services for the residents, and a better service for our clients, which means improving the public and private areas in the properties that we develop.